Thursday, January 31, 2013

Month 1

Jan 31... 7.5 pounds lost. Gym 10 days since jan 11 (seems longer than that). Intentional exercise 14/20 days. I'll call that a win. Today starts week 4 of my journey -- which, I'll note, has nothing to do with the new year; the calendar was just a coincidence.
Have my gym bag in the car just in case I get there today. Yesterday I changed at work but then was delayed - got to gym but not enough time to work out. So, I went home and walked around the block. Then i met my son's bus and did it again with him. I had no trouble keeping up with him and was reminded that walking in the rain can be fun! We would have gone again had it not been for the sleet mixing in. Fun!

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Since jan 7 (19 days): 8 trips to the gym, 11 workouts, 5 pounds gone.


Monday, January 14, 2013

Scale or no scale...

I have a dilemma. I think I need to ignore the scale for a while. I know this is part of how I got back to where I am but today when I saw the number - even though it went down- it did not feel good. It took the happy I've been feeling and squashed it just a bit. I know that doesn't really make sense but I think maybe it is because it was another reminder of how much further I need to go and how crappy it feels to know I am losing this particular 25-30 pounds again.

I've been feeling good. I haven't been sending my food logs but I am eating better and writing it down. I'm not getting too upset if things aren't "perfect" - I'm ok if I'm refocusing in one area and only working through some of the rest for now. I'm content and happy.

I've gone to the gym 4 times this week and worked out 3 of them. I went when I didn't have time to stay very long; when it was raining and foggy and a perfect day to go home instead after work; when i had to drive across town on a sunday afternoon; when I was tired; when others questioned and asked me to come home. All easy excuses-- but I went anyway, and even texted my husband that it was fun! Yep-- Me. Exercise. Fun!
I feel invigorated. Happy. Loving this.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

It's What I DO now

Heading to planet fitness I don't have much time today but even if I work out 25 minutes instead of 30 it's worth it. then the rush across town to get my son off the bus and run around all afternoon. It will be a rush but if not here, I'd be rushing somewhere else. I could go to target instead but I decided that it's finally time to put me first. strangely it feels like this is something I just do now doesn't feel like a chore. Yesterday i hit traffic & didnt get here in time to work out...but i went inside and got a tour/orientation. I decided that if i needed to go in to establish the routine. just feels like

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Small Steps

Quick post - because I'm trying to stay accountable rather than 'say everything' that I'm thinking.

Today was a good day. Beautiful sunshine and dry pavement- after I saw the bus off, I walked to the end of my street, then back past our house and to the other end. It wasn't very long but it was a step in the right direction and reminded me of how much I love the solitude of a calm and quiet walk with nature. I need to find a way to get hiking/walking boots- I thought I had a good pair this summer but my podiatrist vetoed them. LOL. To say I have tricky feet is an understatement. I will probably need to get a men's pair to fit my feet and pay $$$ but one thing at a time I guess. They have to be comfortable without costing a fortune.

In any case-- I enjoyed the walk on a mild winter day. Came home, ate breakfast and instead of turning on the TV I turned on the WII. According to the game, I 'biked' nearly 2 miles then did a few other activities. It's a start...

on my way home, I stopped at the gym a-- and joined. I'm hoping to get back tomorrow for the full tour and maybe a walk.

Dinner didn't really happen since I fed mt son and got him to bed- then promptly fell asleep! I need to get back to freezer cooking or make ahead meals (suggestions always welcome)

In case I forget, i need to write about the coffee comparison

Thank you all for reading, taking time to comment here & elsewhere. I appreciate it!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year

The scale was ugly- I won't lie. I'm not usually one to share this publicly but wish I could create a big flashing reminder on my phone, fridge, & wallet at all times and this is the closest I can come.

287...yes--that's a 2-8 :( I am amazed at how quickly the 'hovering within 5 pounds' turned into this again. I was sick and getting on the scale was not a priority. I was lazy- I let some of my good habits go. I stopped exercising. even when sick, I would catch up on tv completely sedentary rather than moving my body. I used to walk in place or do stretches, yoga, toning --at least during the commercials and often the nightly news. I bought ingredients to make sweets for the holidays--and when I ran out of time to make an extra batch, we ate the ingredients instead. A handful of chocolate chips here; a late night of peanut butter and fluff on a spoon...I do not feel guilty but really wish I'd just taken the 30 seconds to get on the scale and see the impact.

I lost all accountability to myself and that is why I am practically right back where I started. Except I am still generally healthier and don't eat any piece of random chocolate or salty snack put in front if me. I threw away half a bag of chocolate squares because they really were not what I enjoy. I have invested in the tools to help me succeed--and I shudder to think where I might be right now if I did not.

I said about a week ago that I would be realistic about holidays but would then recommit to myself. I signed in to myfitnesspal; started wearing my fitbit religiously again (but need to set up synching with a different computer since mine died-- wish they had wireless synching!). I am planning on getting back in touch with my program at UMass--even if i can't attend monthly meetings, I CAN send my food logs for a while to keep myself accountable.

I know this is a journey so I do not feel as if I've "failed" --because I caught myself. I have made the journey more difficult for myself for a while, taken a long detour from the intended path, but I am still on the road. It is my life and my future and I am committed to being here to fully embrace every moment of it.