Thursday, March 29, 2012

finally a 5K?

i didn't get here yesterday. it has been a crazy week, and - honestly- i've been a bit down lately. everything has been rushed and my husband has been working a lot, i've been exhausted, not sleeping well, etc. So, i've been behind on a few things.

I'll have some time this weekend to catch up, but 2 updates today:

* my company is sponsoring a 5K in the fall with a walking division! i've had a mini-goal of walking a 5K at least on the treadmill several times. Something has always come up - injury, illness, vacation, other life, i'm hoping to make this a concrete goal and actually do it. I read a training guide to walking a 5K but can't find the bookmark now (feel free to share your favorites). I know there are several runners here, but i have fibromyalgia so the more gentle walking is better for me. I've gotten a little over 2K in 25 min before i was derailed the last time, so i know i have a ways to go. One of the sites i read suggested starting with 15 min of walking 3 days, day off, then repeat; adding more time each week. That seems manageable from a physiological perspective, though my biggest hurdle is carving out that time each day. i think it will be a great goal to work towards and help me become more consistent with my exercise for a while...wish me luck!

* they are also doing a WL challenge at work this month. I'm not sure how i'll do, but thought it couldn't hurt. i've already noticed that i'm logging more but still only 50% of my meals logged this week so far. i think i do better when i have someone or something to keep me accountable though. Need to find a way to do that when the challenge is over.

* and, after a couple of months of clothes feeling a little too snug (and one NEW pair of pants ripping across my hip - where i thought i would never see it again), i was pleasantly surprised that my pants felt looser this morning. YES! hopefully moving in the right direction.

i'm off to my day job but hope some of my readers (i know you're out there) will leave a comment to say hello. let me know if you want to know about anything specific or have tips to pass along.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A new plan

So my attempt to keep this up have failed have my efforts the past month or two. I could tell you all that has gone on the past month - family sick, travel, stress...but those are excuses. The truth is that I have been slacking. Even with those events, I could have been tracking more but my food journal is blank. I went away last weekend and ate things I haven't for months - cheese fries were abundant and exercise not. I did make some healthy choices - loved the greek restaurant for that - but other times not so much. I went to the bakery with my son. I had cheese at a reception -- a lot of it and probably some of the best I've had. I did have fruit a few times but it was only available for breakfast at our location. More excuses. Ugh.
I did confirm that even as the scale tries to inch back in the right direction (before the trip), my hips have not. They are making it hard to find summer pants that fit right. The familiar pocket bulge is back and risk of clothing destroyed by tears is on the rise. I am disappointed in myself mostly for letting this creep back. I thought it was behind me...
Those hips also caused havoc on the planes. My friend the seatbelt extended was back. I'd say I was disappointed, but this actually registered more anger than disappointment. I remember the feeling a couple of years ago when I flew and didn't need one. But the worst part this time was when my son asked me what it was for :(. I did not tell him the whole truth - that I was simply too big -- but instead that it helped the seatbelt fit and work more comfortably and safely. I hope that I never have to answer that question again.

SO - I need a reboot. I need to be more accountable and I need to stop caving to the excuses.

And i need some help from my (few) readers. I have a small chunk of time on Wednesday mornings - not quite long enough to work out & still get to work on time but long enough to blog and track and maybe do a few minutes of yoga or strength training.

I actually added "blog" to my calendar for that time & this is where I need your help. If you don't see a blog at least every Wednesday morning, ask me where it is! ( or anything else you want to know) I hope this small commitment will help me meet the bigger ones & having a deadline of sorts usually helps too.

Technically, it is Wednesday, so I'm off to a good start but will still try to write tomorrow to start the routine. Thanks for your help, support, and comments along the way!