Friday, July 20, 2012

Strengthening the Core

just a quick note to remind myself (& any readers?) what to write about next.  I have been working my way back to things.  it is easy to get discouraged by not seeing the scale budge (or V-E-R-Y slowly) although it's not going up either, which is an improvement. . .So, exercise has  been lacking lately - did i mention that it's been 90+ degrees for at least a week here?! 
So, the main topic of today is that in order to work on/"fix" the outside, you must first seriously and thoughtfully, work on the INSIDE.  It's kind of like the airline rule that you must "first help yourself" before helping others.  In this case, Mind + Body *ARE* the "others."  I have learned a few things and also been forced to re-examine a few things from my past that i'd rather not. However, as i do that, my view is clarified and i realize that each new discovery is a step to strengthening the inside - the emotional inner child who is in hiding most of the time, but very much a presence in my life.  It is not easy work, but i cna see very small changes in the way i view the world and myself in it.  I feel like i'm making progress...

and on that note - for next time - is my favorite new & amazing tool ~ the FitBit!

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