i've been on my journey for a while now so i'm just going to jump in. if i wait until i have a formal intro for anyone who might read this, i'll never start. i've done that before. i've even kept a journal on a parenting site but have been very neglectful of it lately...i keep one on paper for my son - started the month before he was born --and it too is woefully out of date. i've been busy chasing him around and working and spending quality time doing things WITH my family as well as a few for myself too. I allegedly blog for a local parenting site --often think of things to write but always when i am not in a position to actually write them.
Does anyone notice a pattern here?
i'm adding this blog to my quest to focus on me this year, which is building on my quest last year...when i think about it, my journey to lose weight is mine alone and i need to be OK carving out time for it...even if others think it is a "waste." i am not, and i need to remind myself that i deserve and need better on this journey.
it came to me before i fully committed to writing and without much thought but it can have so many meanings...i'm sure anyone who has lost weight (or tried to) has had well-meaning friends or relatives tell them they "CAN'T" have something but i don't agree. and, yes, i DID eat a brownie last night but:
... i am STILL working toward my goals
...i knew it was not the most healthful choice
...i am responsible for my own choices and i made this one
...and i do not hate myself for it
...i do not feel like the world is over, but that tomorrow is another day
...l am still here
...and i am still living a healthier life than even a few months ago
i am in the midst of a healthy life journey...and i still ate the brownie. the two are not mutually exclusive.
I absolutely love and agree with what you write in your last graf. I would love it on a t-shirt, or a bumper sticker, or a note taped to my computer screen. Thank you for that!